Membership meeting Feb. 16th @ Royal Canadian Legion (Collingwood 6:30
1 Derby (Spring Trout) For many years now just a couple of members solicited prizes for our derby from a good number of business in our area Wayne Mcinnes &/Roger Martin were responsible for many of the prizes(Arms length & Silent auction) used for our awards & BBQ. May I suggest to many of our members that they come and take 3 or 4 names on the(Wayne & Rogers lists so the sponsors can again donate and be recognized for their contribution and participation in our Spring Trout Derby this year. Try it let businesses know you are a member of the Georgian Triangle Anglers Association.
2 Elections In March we will be holding elections for all positions in our association If you are a member in good standing and have been a member for at least 1yr. you may and I encourage you to seek a position in the executive of your club try it for a year make that step you won’t be disappointed.
Rick Baldry
President GTAA