2022 Georgian Triangle Spring Trout Derby Rules and Regulations
1) The derby runs from 12:01 am Fri. April 15th 2022 to 6pm Sat April 30th 2022, All fish must be caught during the derby and be officially weighed in by 6 PM April 30th , 2022 Entry fee is $25.00 for individual & 35.00 for a family (based on Husband, Wife, and Children under 16 years of age, who have not turned 16 by April 30th 2022 (SEE NOTE AT BOTTOM) One paid entry fee guarantees the entry of legally caught fish into the Derby provided that the entrant was registered in the contest at least one calendar day before the catch of the fish being entered. Tickets will be valid from the day of registration or if purchased by clients from an authorized charter boat operator (while using their services that day), in which case a fish may be entered the day of ticket purchased, if caught after the ticket purchase.
2) The eligible waters for this contest include all waters legally open for angling in the Georgian Bay watershed including the Bay proper. Minimum entry weight restrictions: 5 pounds for Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Lake Trout &, Salmon. All fish must be entered at the official Georgian Triangle Fish Derby weigh-in stations. The official registration identification card must be presented each time a fish is weighed in. The weigh-in stations are: Rick’s Happi Hooka, First St, Collingwood(705-293-1919) Sturgeon Point Marina Ltd 350 River Road East, Wasaga Beach, (705) 429 2934; , Gyles Sails & Marine, 4 King St. W. (at Bruce St. N.,) Thornbury, (519) 599-7050,( U-Catchum Bait & Tackle (519) 538-5333 Hwy 26., Meaford , & Lures N Lines 561216 Grey Rd #1 Georgian Bluff. Wiarton (519-534-2730), Watsons Tackle House, Owen Sound (519-371-0090)
3) Weigh-in stations are open from 9 am to 6 pm or their regular store hours
The internal clock at each Weigh Station determines their closing time. To be eligible for prizes fish must be taken
by legal means using a Rod & Reel & by the registered entrant
4) A fish may be entered only once and will be disqualified from re-entry by punching a hole in the right gill plate at the weigh-in station at the time of original weigh-in. Fish in contention for any prize must be kept by the entrant frozen and whole (not gutted) and in their possession until released by the organizers or the awarding of the prizes.
5) Only fish that are whole (not gutted) may be entered in the Derby. Fish with a snag or foul hook marks, gaff or gill net marks, even if taken legitimately by the contestant, will not be accepted. Fish that are or have been frozen, badly deteriorated or washed out looking will not be accepted.
6) Organizers may hold any fish for a biological examination. All fish in contention for a major prize in any category may be presented for this examination if asked to do so by the organizers. Winners may also be asked to present their fish for promotional pictures at the presentation ceremonies. Leading or any fish may be held upon entry for eligibility ruling.
7) After being examined by a biologist, any fish that fails to exhibit a contaminant profile consistent with profile data obtained by Environment Canada from a similar fish listed from eligible waters will be deemed ineligible for this contest whether or not in fact the contestant claims that all other rules were adhered to. Prize awards may be held pending analysis.

9) Prizes shall be awarded as follows $1000.00 1st & $500.00 for 2ndand $250 for 3rd & a Prize Package for 4th and 5th place in the Rainbow Trout category and $500 for 1st place in the Salmon, Brown Trout & Lake Trout Categories. There will be prizes for the heaviest Trout or Salmon caught by Kids under 15 & for 1st 2nd & 3rd awarded. There will be $50.00 prize awarded for the heaviest Rainbow Trout caught daily. There will also be a ladies day April 23rd with a prize package for heaviest trout or salmon caught by a lady. The judge’s decision will be final.
10) Eligibility while fishing from boats: Anglers who compete in this Derby while fishing from a boat must ensure that all persons aboard have valid derby registrations. If any person aboard is without a valid derby registration, any and all fish brought aboard the craft will be deemed ineligible for entry in the Derby, and would therefore not qualify for prizes.
11) All prizes will be awarded (if possible) Sunday May 1st, 2022 at the Awards, & BBQ held at the Georgian Triangle Anglers Association Club House. All other cash prizes will be mailed out, or can be picked up. Prize winner not in attendance may claim their prize by contacting the Georgian Triangle Anglers’ Association until June 30, 2022. Any prizes not claimed before this time will revert to the ownership of the Georgian Triangle Anglers’ Association to be used as prizes in future fish derbies
12) All prizes must be accepted as presented; all prize winners agree upon request, to execute a release in favor of the organizers and sponsors. Any and all disputes by contestants must be presented at Derby Headquarters by 12:00 p.m. closing day. The Georgian Triangle Anglers’ Association, P.O. Box 224, Collingwood, Ontario, L9Y 3Z5. In any disputes, the decision of the organizers will be final in all matters.
13) Participants agree to abide by the regulations of the Fish and Game Act, the Ministry of Transportation Small Boat Regulations, all Municipal and Township bylaws, and the rules and regulations of the contest as set out by the organizers of the Georgian Triangle Spring Trout Derby.
14) No person who has been found guilty of contravening fisheries related section of the Provincial Fish and Game Act within the last 5 years is eligible to enter a fish or win prizes in this Derby. This relates to any violation involving fish. Disqualification will result.
15) It is a condition of entry that the entrant agrees to and releases the organizers, sponsors and Derby Committee from any and all claims for damages and liability of any nature however caused at any time.
16) The Georgian Triangle Spring Trout Derby weigh-in stations personnel are eligible to register in this contest, but they may not weigh in their own fish and the weigh-in must be witnessed by an impartial observer and weighed in at a different weigh-in station than the one they operate.
***** The Georgian Triangle Spring Trout Derby Committee endeavors to operate a quality derby and our rules try to ensure this.
We do not condone poaching or the illegal taking of fish.
The proceeds form this derby will go towards much needed repairs & up grades to our hatchery & conservations projects of GTAA.
Prize awards or portions thereof may be held pending legal proceedings.
NOTE—Entry $35. Per, family (based on husband, wife & children under 16 years ofAge, or grandpa,
grandma, & grandkids under 16, big brother or big sister with their little Brother or sister under
16 or your favorite neighbor kid under 16 you get the idea. When ticket is purchased you
their names on both sides of your family Ticket then Not later