Summer time is a time when most of our volunteers look to spend time
with the family going places together visiting friends or just doing what
you want to, still our commitment to the fish we are raising in our
hatchery are like children they require daily feeding & the cleaning of
their tanks, Our Hatchery chair Nick NEEDS YOUR HELP we are short
members to do a daily chores (one day a week).help if you can
The 2 nd . Tuesday & the 3 rd . Thursday fall in the same week in September
so being that the case we will have only 1 meeting in September
Thursday the 15 th . FISH FRY/ FRIES there will be other food for anyone
who is allergic to fish.
September 24 th ..Nick would like to have a work party to clean up
around the hatchery area, there is a lot of material to be discarded a
BBQ to follow clean up.
We will be reviewing our new 5yr. lease with the NVCA in a short while
and I will bring to you the high lights if required.
Wayne could use a hand with the weed trimmer it’s too heavy for him
to work with now give him a call if you can help him 705-790-5060 .
We have a Sun Mar compose toilet to install and it will take about ½ to
1 hr. to do so if you can help install the vent let me know this is a great
item that will allow more women to attend meetings and social events
and members families wanting to use the grounds for camping.
On Saturday Aug. 20 th . the club hosted our annual Salmon Slam, once
again it was a sell out and just a lovely day to fish Georgian Bay
congratulations to the winners and great big thank you to everyone
who participated, the fishermen, helpers and our wonderful sponsors
it’s your participation that makes this event a successes. Big Salmon
20.20lbs. team #7 Big Trout 10.32lbs. team #38 & the heaviest catch of
Salmon 57.72lbs.was team #29 and once again thanks to all.
I cannot stress this enough the need for hatchery volunteers this is our
show case, and the reason we raise these fish for now, and future
generations to come, without our work & dedication to conservation
and the rearing of fish stocks (Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout & Brown
Trout) & .stocking of our area waters, they would be in trouble.
Enjoy the rest of your summer time get ready for the fall and bring your
appetite to the next meeting & Fish fry September 15th come early.
Rick Baldry