50/50 Food Bank Derby
Saturday Sept 28 until Saturday Oct 26
Drop by Ricks for tickets and more info
Final results
1st Place Sonja McSorley Rainbow 9.06lbs
2nd place Triston Hudson Rainbow 8.60lbs
3rd place Russ Weldon Rainbow 7.72lbs
Week 1 winner David Brooks 4.02lbs
Week 2 Winner Russ Weldon 7.08lbs
Week 3 Winner Russ Weldon 7.72lbs
Week 4 Winner Sonja McSorley 9.06lbs
On Saturday we had new first and second place fish caught by Sonja McSorley. 9.06lbs and Triston Hudson 8.60lbs. Nothing like waiting until the last day to catch the big ones. I will contact the winners shortly as soon as I gather all the tickets and find out our totals. Thank you to all that participated.