I am very excited to be part of a club that is growing not only in numbers but in value to the needs of the surrounding communities. Since our last news letter we have completed our annual Spring Trout Derby and award presentations and BBQ, hosted a camp out of the Girl Guides earlier in…
41st Annual GTAA Spring trout derby
Final Results Well we have come to the end of our 41stSpring Trout Derby. I hope everyone had fun and good times with family and friends. We had a few fish weighed in on this nasty weather day. I hope to see lots of people at the hatchery and clubhouse tomorrow. https://goo.gl/maps/qd6cZF62i9gj3BWD9 These are the directions…
2023 Spring Derby Rules
GEORGIAN TRIANGLE ANGLERS’ ASSOCIATION John Baldry · 2023 Georgian Triangle Spring Trout Derby Rules and Regulations 1) The derby runs from 12:01 am Saturday April 15th 2023 to 6pm Sat April 29th 2023 All fish must be caught during the derby and be officially weighed in by 6 PM April 29th , 2023 Entry fee…
Election 2023
First I would to thank the members who attended this meeting Wed. March 9th at the Ledgon in Collingwood as it was election night for the next year. Results. President. Rick Baldry Vise President James Meger, Sec. Laurie LeMaitre, Treasurer & Membership Chair Harvie Pittman, Directors Roger Martin Bill Nicholson Hatchery Chair. Nick Alfano Building…
Feb 16 Meeting Collingwood Legion
Membership meeting Feb. 16th @ Royal Canadian Legion (Collingwood 6:30 Topics 1 Derby (Spring Trout) For many years now just a couple of members solicited prizes for our derby from a good number of business in our area Wayne Mcinnes &/Roger Martin were responsible for many of the prizes(Arms length & Silent auction) used for…
Hello all as we head into 2023 we will be looking forward to a year of challenges new ideas and changes in the why we will do things this year. Two of our members that for over twenty years called on businesses in the Collingwood area for donations & prizes used for our…
News and Views Jan 2023
First of all please accept my sincere wish for each and everyone a happy and prosperous NEW YEAR . Through all the ups and down of last year we were successful in the spirit of work and pleasure, we had 2 derbies Spring Trout & a Salmon Slam both a successful due to the determination…
Executive Meeting Sept 13 2022
There will be an executive meeting on Tuesday September 13th at the GTAA clubhouse at 6:30pm.anyone is able to come to the executive meeting. If you are on the executive please try to attend.
GTAA Hatchery
Local anglers keep fish hatchery running for 3 decades The Georgian Triangle Anglers’ Association is casting a wide net to get volunteers hooked on helping at the fish hatchery on Blue Mountain where 100,000 trout are spending the first year of their lives getting ready for release into local water Erika Engel Sep 3, 2022…
News and Views July /Aug 2022
Summer time is a time when most of our volunteers look to spend time with the family going places together visiting friends or just doing what you want to, still our commitment to the fish we are raising in our hatchery are like children they require daily feeding & the cleaning of their tanks, Our…